@inproceedings{hahn06applicability, title = {{On the Applicability of Rule-Based Programming to Location Inference}}, author = {Katharina Hahn and Kirsten Terfloth and Georg Wittenburg and Jochen Schiller}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd GI/KuVS Fachgespr{\"a}ch ``Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste''}, year = {2006}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, month = {}, pages = {12-15}, abstract = {Location-based services offer a powerful approach to provide highly relevant information and functionality to a mobile user. Addressing the problem of location inference, we expand the design space by proposing to employ rule-based programming techniques. Based on position coordinates as well as data gathered by environmental sensors, either a precise location or an abstract location class can be deduced. Both types of location may then be utilized to trigger services in an event-centric manner.}, file = {http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de/papers/hahn06applicability.pdf}, keywords = {Location-Based Services, Rule-Based Programming, Location Inference}, slides = {http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de/papers/hahn06applicability_slides.pdf}, theme = {wsn|prog}, }