
Mesut Günes, Martin Wenig, Alexander Zimmermann,
Realistic Mobility and Propagation Framework for MANET Simulations,
In: Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Networking (Networking 2007 IFIP/TC6), (I.F. Akyildiz, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Eylem Ekici, Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira, Januse McNair Ed.), ser. LNCS, No. 4479, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, pp. 97-107, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Springer, May 2007.

Abstract: Two main steps on the way to more realistic simulations of mobile ad-hoc networks are the introduction of realistic mobility and sophisticated radio wave propagation models. Both have strong impact on the performance of mobile ad-hoc networks, e.g. the performance of routing protocols changes with these models. In this paper we introduce a framework which combines realistic mobility and radio wave propagation models. Our approach consists of a zone-based mobility generator and a high accuracy radio wave propagation model. For the mobility generation a wide variety of well understood random mobility models is combined with a graph based zone model, where each zone has its own mobility model. To achieve a realistic radio wave propagation model a ray tracing approach is used. The integration of these two techniques allows to create simulation setups that closely model reality.

Keywords: Mobility Model, Ad-hoc Network, Propagation, Cosmos


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