
Baccelli, Emmanuel, Hahm, Oliver, Wählisch, Matthias, Günes, Mesut, Schmidt, Thomas,
RIOT: One OS to Rule Them All in the IoT,
INRIA, No. RR-8176, 2012.

Abstract: {The Internet of Things (IoT) embodies a wide spectrum of machines ranging from sensors powered by 8-bits microcontrollers, to devices powered by processors roughly equivalent to those found in entry-level smartphones. Neither traditional operating systems (OS) currently running on internet hosts, nor typical OS for sensor networks are capable to fulfill all at once the diverse requirements of such a wide range of devices. Hence, in order to avoid redundant developments and maintenance costs of IoT products, a novel, unifying type of OS is needed. The following analyzes requirements such an OS should fulfill, and introduces RIOT, a new OS satisfying these demands.}


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